BAYS Travel


North Soccer Travel Teams play in BAYS in both the spring and fall.  BAYS is the largest youth soccer league in Massachusetts with over fifty towns represented and over 1,000 teams participating in any given season. 

BAYS Home Page



Tryouts is a time for the children to have some fun, play some soccer and show their skills.  It is paramount that the children are as comfortable as possible in order to express themselves on the field and show their ability.  It is important that they are not worried about, or focused on, the prying eyes of parents. To this end we ask that you stand away from the fields, and "let them play". 

Regular Travel Teams: NSC utilizes New England Revolution Youth Academy professional coaches to run tryouts and provide ratings for travel team placements.  The NSC Technical Committee combines Revs ratings data with NSC coach ratings from previous seasons in order to place players on travel teams that best fit their development.

Revs Select Travel Teams: NSC utilizes New England Revolution Youth Academy professional coaches to run tryouts and select the players that will be offered placement on select teams.

We encourage every parent to check out Changing the Game Project for more information about how to be a great sports parent.